PERLINDUNGAN KESEHATAN PEKERJA WANITA MENURUT PASAL81 AYAT ( 1 ) UNDANG-UNDANG NO 13 TAHUN 2003 TENTANGKETENAGAKERJAAN DI PT. BORNEOEmployee, what ever there gendre is a one of the important factor for cuontrys development. Every employ...
A more crucial problem which is also the main topic of discussion in this research is the provisions of other articles whose impact may be to close the opportunity for medical rehabilitation for narcotics addicts and abusers, namely the provisions in ...
EKSISTENSI PASAL 27 AYAT (3) UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 11 TAHUN 2008 DALAM PERKARA PENCEMARAN NAMA BAIKCriminal offense of defamation through electronic media is one of several types of cybercrime types that exist. Defamation offenses arising from the negative impa...
Prihatinah, Tri Lisiani. 2011. "Persepsi Pegiat Jender terhadap Konsep Pasal 31 Ayat (3) Undang-Undang Perkawinan tentang Status Kepala Keluarga." Jurnal Dinamika Hukum 11 (1): 25-37.Prihatinah, Tri Lisiani. 2011. "Persepsi Pegiat Jender terhadap Konsep Pasal 31 Ayat (3) Undang-Undang...
36 about Health. The type of this research is normative legal research. Many doctor as health provider has not been fullfil the responsibility to the patient with maximum .The increase of the citizen's law awakening and a qualified medical ...