PENANGGULANGAN TINDAK PIDANA MENGUNAKAN NARKOTIKA YANG DILAKUKAKAN ANGGOTA KEPOLISIAN DENGAN UNDANG UNDANG NO. 35 TAHUN 2009 TENTANG NARKOTIKANarcotic is needed for treatment and health care, but if misused or not used with standard treatment, e...
The results of this study are: In the context of freedom of belief, religion and worship in Indonesia, the police also have a responsibility in preventing potential violence as well as crack down on acts of violence that allegedly have a motive to threaten religious and religious life. Police...
This type of research is used normative legal research is the study of law with abstraction through the process of deduction from the norms of positive law on the issue concerning the systematization of law and positive law judge regarding the problems with this study focuses more on the ...