Now, a young hobbit man by the name of W3bbo saw light of this unheard of theme, and traveled far and wide to uncover its mysteries. One theme to find. One theme to upload. One theme to rule them all. Devoted Channel9 member W3bbo spotted an interesting theme on one of the “...
Delving into mysteries of submarine H.L. Hunley 1 of 16 Prev Next One scenario holds that the Hunley was swamped by or struck by a Union vessel. Or that it plunged to the seafloor to avoid detection and never made it back up. A latch on the forward conning tower was found to be ...
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics were one of the hardest of Egypt’s mysteries to uncover! Check out our fascinating facts about hieroglyphics…Learn about how Egyptian writing works and what it all represents, plus find out how to spell your name in hieroglyphics – cool!