However, in more practical terms, the seller of uncovered puts or calls will likely repurchase them well before the price of the underlying security moves adversely too far away from the strike price, based on their risk tolerance andstop losssettings. Using Uncovered Options Uncovered options are...
Define uncovered option. uncovered option synonyms, uncovered option pronunciation, uncovered option translation, English dictionary definition of uncovered option. n. See naked option. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edit
One who can withstand endless cruelties from the public, hang-up phonecalls and relentless rejection. And that’s not a bad thing. After all, if you were a born ‘team player’, you probably would have been more attracted to a fixed-income job in an industry that didn’t reward individu...
Options Basics: Stocks, Payoffs & Puts & Calls from Chapter 13 / Lesson 1 28K Financial options are derivatives, which means their value is tied to something else: for example, a share of stock. Learn about stocks, options, options contracts, and other financial instruments. Re...
Iran also just formerly signed onto the UN 2030 Agenda which calls for eliminating fossil fuel dependency by 2030, a mere 15 years away. Oil is Iran’s main source of revenue. It isn’t only Iran either, Saudi Arabia and other major oil producing nations have agreed to do the same. In...
Uwe Dolata of the Bund deutscher Kriminalbeamter (German Organization of the Criminal Police) for instance said: "The pharmaceutical industry does not hesitate to use improper means. We have seen them use massive threats, stalking, make threatening phone calls, and even destroy their target's ...
An opening transaction in an option when the underlying asset is not owned by the investor writing the option. If a stock on which such an investor has written a call option is then called by the option holder, the investor must purchase shares in the market for delivery and is therefore ...