• Barbara was shaking with uncontrollable laughter.• All will suffer from debilitating and uncontrollable movements and severe personality and cognitive changes.• Sometimes I felt a mindless, uncontrollable rage, a consumption that ran through my chest to my hands.• At the mention of ...
become almostuncontrollable.•But thesechoicesare not seen as being so individually idiosyncratic as to makecrimetotallyunpredictableoruncontrollable.•It is onlyrapidmovementsup that becomeuncontrollable.•In aninstantthere was anuncontrollablefloodin hisloins, anunstoppablesurge.•Barbara wasshakingwith...
Shaking her head in protest and disagreement, “Lawyer Wong (Tsui), you don’t need to be so diffident as without you my granddaughter will forever not able or have the courage to raise up her head and look at anyone else.” Pulling out her hand and resting it her client’s shoulder,...
ロングマン現代英英辞典より un‧con‧trol‧lable/ˌʌnkənˈtrəʊləbəl◂$-ˈtroʊl-/adjective1if anemotion,desire, orphysicalactionisuncontrollable, you cannot control it or stop yourself from feeling it or doing itI felt an uncontrollable urge to scream.Mother burs...