Tested manually with Fedora's xz-java-1.9.zip as mentioned in the issue. Resolves: #2955 You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/pull/3170-- Commit Summary -- * Pass TZ=UTC to zip in rpmuncompress -- File Changes...
Re: uncompress error of sendmail Hi Victor, Sure sounds like the file came down corrupted. Try gunzip -t on the file to test it's integrity. HTH, Jeff PERSEVERANCE -- Remember, whatever does not kill you only makes you stronger!
functiondeal_file($params){global$log;if(isset($params['fileContent'])) { $log->LogInfo("---处理后台报文返回的文件---"); $fileContent = $params['fileContent'];if(empty($fileContent)) { $log->LogInfo('文件内容为空'); }else{ $content =gzuncompress(base64_decode($fileContent)); ...
Well I don't think the problem was winzip. It was the ftp from PC to the HP.When you connect the ftp session from PC to HP, at the ftp prompt enter> binthis will set binary mode.Then put the file.When it's complete just run the gunzip -t again to test it.You may not have...