针对你遇到的LaTeX错误消息“unclosed open group { found at \end{document}”,以下是详细的解答和修复步骤: 1. 确认问题来源 该错误消息来自于LaTeX文档编译过程,表明LaTeX在解析文档时遇到了一个未闭合的开放组{。 2. 分析错误原因 在LaTeX中,大括号{和}用于定义命令的参数或环境的内容。如果某个{没有对应的...
Hi Chen, thank you very much for helping. I opened your shared project and found the same issue inmythesis.tex@ line 172. There is no error output in logs, which is the same as mine. Please, could you help to solve this problem? I assumed this is just a simple bracket-missing prob...
gleb urobushkin (Member) asked a question. August 17, 2017 at 5:48 PM String Remove causes an "Unclosed group near index" error if String to remove contains an open parenthesis Seems like an odd issue for the simple map function to interpret...