汤姆叔叔的小屋(UNCLE TOMS CABIN)/英文名著 1星价 ¥25.5 (4.9折) 2星价¥25.5 定价¥52.0 作者:斯托夫人 出版社:云南人民出版社 本类榜单:外语 所属丛书: 果麦英文名著 分类:外语 > 英语读物 > 英文版 温馨提示:5折以下图书主要为出版社尾货,大部分为全新(有塑封/无塑封),个别图书品相8-...
Harriet Beecher Stowe George H. ThomasGeorge Routledge and Sons
知音博雅英语创作的人文国学有声书作品AI英著3.7汤姆叔叔的小屋Uncle Tom's Cabin,目前已更新25个声音,收听最新音频章节听读-chapter-18-uncle-toms-new-master_3。知音博雅英语请用大屏电脑读大字。听读结合,快速理解,理解记忆,深刻久远。听读群书,习得英语,听读群书..
中考英语阅读训练Uncle Toms Cabin (selection) 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(选段).docx,Uncle Toms Cabin (selection)《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(选段) Part A 一、阅读理解 At Uncle Toms cabin, Uncle Tom, a large, strong man with a kind sensible face and an air of dignity, was s
Uncle Tom’s Cabin is an abolitionist novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe that was published in serialized form in the United States in 1851–52 and in book form in 1852. It achieved wide-reaching popularity, particularly among white Northern readers, through
In the 1850s, Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,' detailed the injustices of slavery. Learn how this book, along with the Missouri Compromise and the Fugitive Slave Act, helped spur the United States into Civil War and the end of slavery on U.S. soil. ...
uncle tom's cabin is a novel by american abolitionist author harriet beechehr stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. the work was first published on march 20, 1852. the story focuses on the tale of uncle tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life th...
《Uncle Toms Cabin《汤姆叔叔的小屋①》原版美音》由正见清河哥创作,目前已更新68个节目,包含01.1-CHAPTER I In Which the Reader Is Introduced to a Man of Humanity part1-mt、01.2-CHAPTER I In Which the Reader Is Introduced to a Man of Humanity part2-mt、01.3
汤姆叔叔的小屋 Uncle Toms Cabin 纯英文版 原版无删减 世界名著全本典藏 外国文学英语故事书 初中生高中生大学生英语读物 华文世图图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.9 高 物流履约: 4.6 高 售后服务: 4.4 中 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 ...
黑布林名著Uncle Toms Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋.docx,PAGE 5 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》Uncle Toms Cabin 一、作者简介 哈里特·伊丽莎白·比彻·斯托出生于北美一个著名的牧师家庭,斯托夫人的父亲里曼·比彻(Lyman Beecher)是著名的公理会牧师和废奴主义者,共有8个孩子。她四岁丧母