"Why, the fact is, Haley, Tom is an uncommon fellow; he is certainly worth that sum anywhere,--steady, honest, capable, manages my whole farm like a clock." "You mean honest, as niggers go," said Haley, helping himself to a glass of brandy. "No; I mean, really, Tom is a ...
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“Well, Tom’s got the real article, if ever a fellow had,” rejoined the other. “Why, last fall, I let him go to Cincinnati alone, to do business for me, and bring home five hundred dollars. ‘Tom,’says I to him, ‘I trust you, because I think you’re a Christian—I kno...
The February morning looked grey and drizzling through the window of Uncle Tom’s cabin. It looked on downcast faces, the images of mournful hearts. The little table stood out before the fire, covered with an ironing-cloth; a coarse but clean shirt or two, fresh from the iron, hung on ...
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Uncle Tom s Cabin is the most popular, influential and controversial book written by an American. Stowe s rich, panoramic novel passionately dramatises why the whole of America is implicated in and responsible for the sin of slavery, and resoundingly concludes that only repentance, justice and ...
Uncle Tom's Cabin Sell Your Textbook by Michel-Rolph Trouillot Online Buyback Sites. ValoreBooksLoading.. eCampusLoading.. SellBackYourBookLoading.. BookMobLoading.. Our buyback partners are not buying this book at this time. Contact Student Seller ...
《Uncle Tom's Cabin》(Harriet Beecher Stowe)内容简介: In 1852, the United States of America was anything but united. The divisive issue of slavery was r...
汤姆叔叔的小屋:UNCLE TOM’S CABIN(英文版)东方神鸟 | 哈里耶特·比彻·斯陀夫人99.4万字 小说内容简介:《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,19世纪极具影响力的小说(其销量仅次于《圣经》),并被认为是刺激1850年废奴主义兴起的一大因素。在其发表的头一年里,仅美国本土便销售出了三十多万册,这在19世纪中叶可是天文数字。《汤姆...