Uncle Mike's Bake Shoppe is wisconsin's award winning bakery. We make kringle and other bakery items fresh daily in Green Bay, WI, Appleton, WI and ship across the country.
Uncle Mike's Bake Shoppe is wisconsin's award winning bakery. We make kringle and other bakery items fresh daily in Green Bay, WI, Appleton, WI and ship across the country.
UNCLE Mike's Bake Shoppe,UNCLE Mike's Bake Shoppe旅游攻略/自助游攻略,去哪儿攻略社区提供UNCLE Mike's Bake Shoppe门票,地址等实用信息,由真实用户亲历UNCLE Mike's Bake Shoppe,点评分享UNCLE Mike's Bake Shoppe游览攻略经验,景点图片.要旅行,从去哪儿开始.
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