Creative side dishes have never been easier. Uncle Ben's Inc. offers Wild Rice Blends in three varieties-Wholegrain Brown & Wild Rice Blend, Original Long Grain & Wild Rice Blend, and Garden Blend.Restaurant Business
广告品牌:UNISABI 发布日期:2000-11 行业领域:饮食/特产 媒体类别:图文,户外 广告语言:法语 媒介平台:墙体广告 综合评分 0 暂无评分 创意 0 文案 0 视觉 0 创作者 广告公司:D'arcy,France 创意总监: Gerard Monot 编剧: Herve Bourdon 其他职位:
蜘蛛侠购物时,看到了本叔叔代言的大米(Uncle Ben's Rice) 579播放 答题失败,就召唤章鱼博士胖揍主持人的恶霸马奎尔 1432播放 棕熊表演徒手接吐司(华盛顿州动物园,Olympic Game Farm特色) 308播放 棕熊,接吐司能手(英联邦地区) 2.6万播放 喜欢吃吐司的棕熊,挥手感谢人类 269.9万播放 老新闻:独家!曾恺玹大秀恩爱 罗...
Kroger (and affiliated stores) shoppers, right now you can score aFREE Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice Productat your local Kroger or affiliated store! Just load the eCoupon onto your Kroger Card, and the next time you go to Kroger, you’ll be able to snag this freebie!Coupon is available to ...
Uncle Ben was a fictional character created by the company in 1946, which Mars claims was inspired by a Texan rice farmer of the same name. The image of the man in the logo is that of Frank Brown, the maitre d' at a Chicago restaurant who agreed to pose for the portrait...
Mars Inc. said it will change its “Uncle Ben” rice mascot in response to criticism from consumers who said it’s based on racist stereotypes. The company announced the upcoming change on Wednesday, not long after Quaker Oats announced it stop carrying its Aunt Jemima syrup branding over a...
News>Uncle Ben’s Rice更改品牌名称和LOGO设计 关键词:品牌名称、大米品牌设计、品牌logo设计、品牌形象设计、文字LOGO设计、包装设计 本大叔的大米(Uncle Ben’s Rice)创立于1943年,是美国大米等相关食品的品牌名称,从1950年到1990年一直是美国最畅销的大米品牌。目前品牌归美国食品加工公司Mars所有。今年6月,美国反...
Pay only $8.53 for 12 (8.5oz) pouches of Uncle Ben’s Jasmine Ready Rice when you check out with Subscribe & Save. Even better, if you have 5 or more subscriptions in the same month, your price will drop to $7.63! Ben´s Original™ Jasmine READY RICE™ gives you a taste of ...
On the BBC's excellent drama series Hearts and Bones, the dynamic councillor type thinks she's turning into a blob rather than being on a Mission from God. It's all a worry for women who think they should look sexy at all times of day or night.York, Peter...
The company said it woulddrop the logo of an elderly African-American manwearing a bow tie on the 70-year-old brand and replace it with an orange package with Ben’s Original’ written in a blue font. The brand was named after a Texas rice farmer. ...