Tracers are professionals who make a living finding the owners of unclaimed property. They then contact the owners, and offer to help them locate their unclaimed property for a fee. The fees range from 10% of the value of the property to as much as 60%. All you get for the fee is th...
7 See Comment, Unclaimed Property-A Potential Source of Non-Tax Revenue, 45 Mo. 21 SeeComment, Modern Rationales of Escheat, supra note 18; Comment, Unclaimed Prop- erty-APotential Source of Non-Tax Revenue, supra note 17. Page 11. UNCLAIMED PROPERTYMeadows, James Dartlin...
Each year, the Treasury Department (Department) receives millions of dollars in unclaimed property from abandoned bank accounts, forgotten stocks, checks that have not been cashed, certificates of deposit, safe deposit box contents, life insurance policies and other sources. Treasury maintains custody o...
A: Yes. Unclaimed paychecks are subject to escheat laws as unclaimed property. The laws of the state where the employee last worked apply. Employers that have a paycheck for a former employee or employee which has not been claimed for a period of time must follow the same state reporting ...