Eventbrite - Colorado State Treasury - Unclaimed Property presents Colorado Unclaimed Property for Government Entities - Thursday, September 5, 2024 - Find event and ticket information.
The state of Colorado sent out letters to a lot of people who may be entitled to unclaimed cash, but most people will never receive a notification. The easiest way to find out if you are entitled to some cash go to the websitecolorado.findyourunclaimedproperty.com. You may be surprised ...
It can be physical property or something like an Insurance Refund (my uncle found $120+) or a Payroll (cousin had $28) or other such things. Each state has a search engine where you look up your name (or a deceased family members name when searching for the estate). If you don’t...
Colorado Royalty Payment and the Unclaimed Property ActChicken, Brent D
Find unclaimed property auctions on eBay. Some states, including Texas, California, Kansas, Colorado, Maryland and Wisconsin, place their unclaimed property received from banks' safe deposits on eBay auctions. The states will generally set up their own eBay accounts for these auctions, with pictures...
McAvoy, Tom
Colorado to Leave Unclaimed Property in Trust for Owners, Not Spend It.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)McAvoy, Tom
Colorado Treasury Reports Record Number of Unclaimed Property Returns.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)McAvoy, Tom
Unexpected Riches to Be Allotted in Colorado Unclaimed Property Program.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)Sword, Loretta