Millions available in unclaimed property, says Missouri state treasurerDonna Walter
Did you know that items you lose/leave behind may be turned in to the State Treasury? In fact, a lot of lost property is required to be turned in. And the Treasury office might keep it for quite a while, waiting for you to claim it. On the other hand, the states do auction items...
“We really enjoy being able to get unclaimed property back to its rightful owners,” said a spokesperson for the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. “The Department is happy to return unclaimed funds to anyone who can prove they are entitled to them.” “Treasury receives hundreds...
Missouri stands to get $5.4 million in unclaimed property in the next 10 years as the result of a proposed settlement of a suit.Richard Stensrud, general counsel for state Treasurer Bob Holden, said Friday that Missouri had been actively promoting the settlement. "This is not a bad deal for...