Very simply. If you think there might be unclaimed property that belongs to you, call or write to the unclaimed property office in each state in which you or your deceased relatives have ever lived. A list of the addresses of state unclaimed property offices appears below. It is a good id...
Each year, the Treasury Department (Department) receives millions of dollars in unclaimed property from abandoned bank accounts, forgotten stocks, checks that have not been cashed, certificates of deposit, safe deposit box contents, life insurance policies and other sources. The following list o...
“Treasury receives hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed property every year, often because of something as simple as a misspelled name or an out-of-date address,” according to a statement from Stacy Garrity, treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. “But let’s be clear: t...
Treasury maintains custody of this unclaimed property, while working hard to return it to its rightful owners.The following list of unclaimed property was reported and delivered to the Department. If you find your name, you can file a claim on Treasury's web site at From...