call or write to the unclaimed property office in each state in which you or your deceased relatives have ever lived. A list of the addresses of state unclaimed property offices appears below. It is a good idea to check with these offices every five years, even if you are certain that yo...
Each year, the Treasury Department (Department) receives millions of dollars in unclaimed property from abandoned bank accounts, forgotten stocks, checks that have not been cashed, certificates of deposit, safe deposit box contents, life insurance policies and other sources. Treasury maintains custody o...
Currently, Uncle Sam is squatting on nearly 40 Billion (with a “b”) dollars of unclaimed money, property, stock, cash and more. You don’t have to be a math genius to see how much interest the U.S. Government stands to earn on 40 billion dollars. Is it any wonder the government...
Beneficiaries are still able to claim the money at any time, so check for unclaimed property in the policyholder’s state of residence if you think you may be owed money from a life insurance policy. Does unclaimed life insurance accrue interest? In some states, life insurance companies may ...