DiRT Rally 2.0 was released February 2019 and the PS4 version has an 84 on Metacritic. This seems to meet your qualifications. TheSlothDragon April 2, 2020 at 6:02 AM GMT+8 Solution: If you like the games Playstation Now is getting then get Playstation Now...
the first time on PC. What makes the boring pace of the game even worse is that there are always hidden things to find and puzzles to solve. It would have been better if they had started with the first trilogy in order instead of releasing the last games of the series directly on PC...
平台PC,研发无发行无《大航海时代》系列的人气SRPG《大航海时代IV》以HD的新面貌再次登场!本作品以16世纪的欧洲“大航海时代”为舞台,玩家将以探险家、商人、军人等不同身份与全世界形形色色的人们一起上演出跌宕起伏的海洋冒险。【查看全部】游戏专区 IGN N/A Metacritic N/A Gamespot N/A Gamespew N/...
现在本作的媒体评分也正式解禁,游戏在metacritic上的媒体均分为85分,其中已经有两家媒体给游戏打出了满分评价。 +1 分享227 ps4吧 摩羯愤怒的奎爷 喜大普奔,神秘海域 失落的遗产制作完毕,已成功压盘索尼旗下顽皮狗工作室开发的《神秘海域:失落的遗产(Uncharted: The Lost Legacy)》,是原本神海系列的一部外传...
User score on Metacritic is usually lower than critics due to review bombing and other abuse, but 8.4 and 8.8 user score is excellent by MC standards. For example, here is Elden Ring Dude. We get it. You're a sony fanboy. You were going after anybody who said they didn't like The ...
简单介绍一下神海4 ,别的不说,先看评分, 英文名:Uncharted 4: A Thief's End 中文译名:神秘海域4:盗贼末路 游戏平台:PS4 GameSpot:10/10 IGN: 9.0 Game Informer:9.5/10 metacritic媒体平均分:94/100 放眼望去,能拿这么高分的作品必然是值得肯定的作 分享169赞 steam吧 lutjens 《神秘海域4/Uncharted ...
简单介绍一下神海4 ,别的不说,先看评分, 英文名:Uncharted 4: A Thief's End 中文译名:神秘海域4:盗贼末路 游戏平台:PS4 GameSpot:10/10 IGN: 9.0 Game Informer:9.5/10 metacritic媒体平均分:94/100 放眼望去,能拿这么高分的作品必然是值得肯定的作 分享169赞 exanima吧 Earth🌀z 今天更新0.8.4啦 ...
《神秘海域:盗贼传奇合辑》包含《神秘海域4:盗贼末路》和《神秘海域:失落的遗产》两款游戏。发展历程 2022年,知名评分网站Metacritic(简称M站)页面显示《神秘海域:盗贼传奇合辑》PC版将于6月20解锁,PC版的媒体评价也将在那时候公开。《神秘海域:盗贼传奇合辑》的PC版也已在韩国通过评级审核。获奖记录 ...