Uncharted 2: Among Thieves: Directed by Amy Hennig, Bruce Straley. With Nolan North, Emily Rose, Claudia Black, Richard McGonagle. After being tracked down by Harry Flynn, Nathan Drake goes on a quest for Marco Polo's lost fleet. However when things take
Ice Temple is concept art for the game Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and has been made by concept artist Andrew Kim. This limited edition print is part of the
but it isn’t by all that much. I just needed a little patience though, because around the corner was a simply stunning level (chapter 6 if you’re interested), and from then on it kept getting better and better. I’m now of the view that, when taken as a whole, Uncharted 2’s...
...that Victor Sullivan's plane, the Hog Wild, was named after a level in Crash Bandicoot? ...that the line "Kitty got wet" came from Nolan North's eight year old son? ...that in the cutscene "The Lost Fleet", the Greek writing on a blackboard translates as "Much enduring divine...
动作冒险 treasure hunt wall climbing 建设 jungle 过肩视角 续集 indiana jones 善良vs 邪恶 train level love triangle 照片模式 原声音轨 动态模糊 grapple RPG 要素 cover system anti-hero stealth kill linear gameplay local and online players together animal petting playstation home tie-in cliffhanger 查看...
Whilst the game in the desert works well on a cinematic level, again, it's not very satisfying as a gaming experience. Once was enough. At least it's not like the train section in the previous game...where you have to replay the same event again! That too had (art) cinema ...
Image 1 of 2 Here, Catch! (Bronze) - Destroy a vehicle in Chapter 9 with an explosive When the jeeps start driving alongside the train, throw a grenade to land inside one and destroy it. If you're having trouble hitting the target, try turning on Lock-on Aim in the Controls menu. ...
In the Name of the King is slightly less incompetent than the average Boll trash fire, which means it’s bad and boring as opposed to so mind-warningly dreadful that it possesses a kind of trainwreck watchability. After five Boll jams, I’m officially running out of synonyms for “awful...
While the sequel shows much better judgment as a shooter, it’s also where Uncharted perfects its habit of unsettling the environment - literally - just as the gunfights start feeling placid. The complex moments, like Drake’s assault across a moving train or a brief shootout on a stone ...
1) Needs monster first kill for each level based on standards 2) Wrong kind of button shown when using things 3) Missing buttons sometimes including speed up buttons including for healing 4) Hit button and sent to a different thing than button says or needs ...