Ma**be上传1.44 MB文件格式zipvisualizationmetricstoolboxuncertainty 不确定性工具箱 用于预测不确定性量化,校准,python工具箱。 另外:的以及的集合。 许多机器学习方法会返回预测以及某种形式的不确定性,例如分布或置信区间。 这就引出了一个问题:我们如何确定最佳的预测不确定性? 产生最佳或理想不确定性是什么意思?
uncertainty-toolboxPublic Uncertainty Toolbox: a Python toolbox for predictive uncertainty quantification, calibration, metrics, and visualization Python1,800MIT129112UpdatedJul 9, 2024 docsPublic Documentation for Uncertainty Toolbox HTML0000UpdatedAug 19, 2022 ...
107 changes: 90 additions & 17 deletions 107 uncertainty_toolbox/ Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -14,11 +14,13 @@ from shapely.ops import polygonize, unary_union def plot_intervals(y_pred, y_std, y_true, ylims=None, show=False): def plot_inte...
Throwing the Uncertainty Toolbox at Antarctica: Multi-model Ensemble Simulation, Emulation and Bayesian Calibration of Marine Ice Sheet InstabilityEdwards, Tamsin
The paper presents a newly developed opensource toolbox named Strathclyde Mechanical and Aerospace Research Toolbox for Uncertainty Quantification (SMART-UQ) that implements a collection of intrusive and non intrusive tech- niques for polynomial approximation and propagation of uncertainties. Non-intrusive ...
A MATLAB toolbox named ANDURIL was developed to support decision making under uncertainty, when expert judgments are combined by applying Cooke’s classical model for structured expert judgment. The main purpose for developing this toolbox is to create an open source software that can be used by ...
The toolbox determines the uncertainty of multiple quantities of interest in parallel, given the uncertainties of the system parameters and inputs. It also yields gradient-based sensitivity measures and Sobol indices to reveal the relative importance of model parameters....
We characterize the computational performance of the toolbox with a series of stress tests. These tests reveal a lightweight implementation that requires low CPU and memory usage. We showcase the toolbox functionalities by solving a multi-robot inspection application, where we extend GSPNRs to ...
uncertainty analysisMCMCflood frequencydroughtWe present a newly developed Multivariate Copula Analysis Toolbox (MvCAT) which includes a wide range of copula families with different levels of complexity. MvCAT employs a Bayesian framework with a residual-based Gaussian likelihood function for inferring ...
Uncertainpy: a Python toolbox for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis, tailored towards computational neuroscience. - simetenn/uncertainpy