Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is applicable for any pair of canonically conjugate variables. In the realm of position and momentum uncertainties, it is stated that if the position of a quantum mechanical particle is precisely known, its momentum can be determined less precisely. Initially, in ...
These results show that theHeisenberg correspondence principleis applicable to . 从而表明,Heisenberg对应原理对这样的相对论体系也适用。 补充资料:测不准原理 量子力学关于物理量测量的原理。它反映了微观客体的特征。该原理是德国物理学家W.K.海森伯于1927年通过对理想实验的分析提出来的,不久就被证明可以从量子力...
These results show that theHeisenberg correspondence principleis applicable to . 从而表明,Heisenberg对应原理对这样的相对论体系也适用。 补充资料:测不准原理 量子力学关于物理量测量的原理。它反映了微观客体的特征。该原理是德国物理学家W.K.海森伯于1927年通过对理想实验的分析提出来的,不久就被证明可以从量子力...
(2005). Quantum mechanics 1925–1927: The uncertainty principle. Retrieved on July 1, 2005 from the Website: http://www.aip.org/history/heisenberg/p08.htm Google Scholar American Psychiatric Association (2003). Practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of patients with suicidal ...
P. The uncertainty principle. Phys. Rev. 34, 163 (1929). 9. Schrödinger, E. Situngsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Physikalisch-mathematische Klasse 14, 296 (1930). 10. Maccone, L. & Pati, A. K. Stronger uncertainty relations for all incompatible observables. Phys...
and involve significant externalities (e.g., seen in violations of precautionary principle by free market entities in the past with chlorofluorocarbons, forever chemicals, online privacy, algorithm bias, and so on). And, related to those scholarly and practical failures that lead to net harms, are...
wrong when he points out that strategy is not about finding therightanswer, but about choices for an uncertain future. His basic suggestions, having diverse teams including people who have experienced failure and treating each other with respect, sure are nothing to disagree with in principle, ...
Conversely, the LF approach, the only one applicable at the reactor scale, is likely to present a reduced predictability. If so, the HF approach should be effective in pinpointing the LF weaknesses: the concept of scaling uncertainty is inline introduced as the growth of the LF simulation ...
It is clear, in principle, that UQ and SA are fundamental tasks for numerical simulations of real-world phenomena and highly desirable in a wide range of applications. In practice, however, concrete implementations of these ideas are often hampered by the substantial or even prohibitive computation...
Since the measurement of W mass is a typical shape analysis, in which the fit to the distributions is parameterized by both POI and NPs, the conclusions drawn from this example can in principle be generalized to all kinds of shape analyses. While the effect of varying the W mass is ...