000 = Convert from scientific notation to a number 8.343 x 10 2 = 1.02 x 10 -4 = 4 x 10 2 + 3.2 x 10 3 = 1 x 10 -1 + 4.2 x 10 -3 = Significant Digits The significant digits represent the valid digits of a number. The following are rules to remember: 1. Nonzero digits ...
Since the maximum measuring inclination of the stylus is ±45°, only 85° arc coordinate data are extracted for the following data processing. Figure 1. (a) Linear scan with a stylus; (b) small cylinder mounted on the V-groove and scanned linearly. The eight arc profiles with respect ...
because it is a perfect real-life case study, not easily accessible and full of disturbing elements such as tall trees, pylons, bridges, rocks and bends. In addition, the lake undergoes lamination throughout the year and the water level can vary more than 10 m during the course of the ...