Tongfei Chen*, Zhengping Jiang*, Adam Poliak, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Benjamin Van Durme (2020): Uncertain natural language inference. InProceedings of ACL. Prerequisites Python >= 3.6 Running This repository usesDucttapeto manage intermediate results of the experiment pipeline. ...
Another example of mixed results is related to the inference about the personal interest of the speaker: in one study out of two, a first person pronoun was taken as a cue of increased personal interest in comparison with a neuter subject pronoun (Experiment 3 vs. Experiment 4). Previous ...
The use of positive and negative reasons in inference and decision aiding is a recurrent issue of investigation as far as the type of formal language to use within a DSS is concerned. A language enabling to explicitly take into account such reasons is Belnap's logic and the four valued logic...
The use of positive and negative reasons in inference and decision aiding is a recurrent issue of investigation as far as the type of formal language to use within a DSS is concerned. A language enabling to explicitly take into account such reasons is Belnap's logic and the four valued ...
A case study from the lower Deba Valley, Guipuzcoa (Spain), Natural Hazards, 30(3), 267–279. Reshmidevi, T.V., Eldho, T.I., & Jana, R. (2009). A GIS-integrated fuzzy rule-based inference system for land suitability evaluation in agricultural watersheds, Agricultural Systems, 101(1...
In short, the AI that impacts our economy and society is not based on mimicking human thinking, but rather the result of statistical inference at very large scale. AI and humans are not alike The question whether or not AI will replace humans can only be answered in the context of the...
Here the authors argue an active inference process occurs whereby the perception from brainstem to cortex minimizes predictions errors57. In music, the authors argue this is the basis for surprise or irregular events57. Prediction of uncertain information forms the basis for decoding aspects of ...
However, this is the case in most settings, since inference rules are uncertain and vague in many sensing domains and scenarios. In typical applications of the OODA loop, the information sources feeding the Observe and supporting the Decide phases, such as the intelligence gathering scouts or the...
4. Inference and Accuracy Using the Inference operator described in Section 7 below, MCDB returns its query results as a set of (ti, fi) pairs, where t1, t2, . . . are the distinct tuples produced in the course of N Monte Carlo iterations and fi is the fraction of the N possible ...