We understand the desire of university administrators to make decisions based on numerical metrics such as majors or cost. But such metrics significantly undervalue what your philosophy program offers—it plays a pivotal role not only for majors and minors but also in core curricula and interdisciplin...
“Most of my classes which I could take for my majors or minors, given that I don’t have many credits left to do, are full,” said Pope, a public policy and interdisciplinary studies major. “And the waitlists are like 15 people and they’re all full, so I don’t think, unless...
[Alumna] Nickname: Verrière Ethnicity: Chinese Major: Biology Minors: Statistics & Analytics, Chemistry Big: Sophie Taylor *Vesuvius* Little: Linda Ka *Vespienna* Email: verriere.kpl@gmail.com #77 Lyann Le [Alumna] Nickname: Majani Ethnicity: Vietnamese Majors: Exercise and Sport Science,...