北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,简称UNC)是美国历史上创立最早的三所公立大学之一,素有“公立常春藤”之称,与加州大学伯克利分校、密歇根大学安娜堡分校一起,代表了美国公立大学的最高水准。UNC常年在各大高校排行榜上占据前30的名位,多个专业如牙医学、公共卫生学、护理学等...
我们知道这将是不同寻常的一个秋季学期,我们的学生宿舍容量不到60%,而面对面授课的教室座位总数不到30%。 在过去的一周(8月10日至16日)中,我们看到Campus Health的COVID-19阳性率从2.8%上升至13.6%。截至今天早上,我们已经测试了954名学生,在校园内外隔离了177名学生和349名学生。到目前为止,幸运的是,大多数...
and prepare special guides for students, such as how to plan meals and how to avoid certain allergens. UNC Dining is as much about serving food to students as it is education: a Registered Dietitian is employed to coordinate with UNC Campus Health Services to make sure that the ...
In the announcement, the university said that the COVID-19 positivity rate jumped from 2.8% to 13.6% at the school’s Campus Health center. ”As of this morning, we have tested 954 students and have 177 in isolation and 349 in quarantine, both on and off campus. So far,...
如果你致力于public health,并且在国内有资源(能进国级机构),那么选UNC。如果你至力于public health...
Now, as many students prepare to return home, Guskiewicz encouraged all students who believe they have been exposed to the virus or to an infected person to visit campus health to receive testing. Kenneth Pittman, executive directors of UNC-Chapel Hill’s ca...
with no incoming information from the university to students who may be targeted by violence. Additionally, they want to see Black counselors and employees at UNC Campus Health, the Women’s Center, and the school’s Title IX office so students and others can receive help for racial trauma. ...
UNC-Chapel Hill head to go, campus fans say noEMERY P. DALESIO
Chapel Hill Mayor Pam Hemminger said Monday was a "sad day" for the campus and town. "We are heartbroken for the UNC students, faculty, and staff whose sense of safety on their beautiful campus was shattered by the day's events and for those children, teachers, and staff who had ...