首先,UNC是接受AP成绩的,并且没有换分上限!So,学霸小伙伴们尽可以放心大胆地考AP啦!AP在UNC有两个作用,一个是跳过基础课,一个是满足GE要求(下一条圈子会详细解释)。 第二,对于同一科目,UNC对于不同的分数会分配不同的credit,和可被跳过的基础课。例如Bio, Chem, Calculus BC, 和Economics。 例如,Bio和Chem...
AP Statistics能跳的一门课是PSTAT 5, 然而统计和相关专业的学生根本不需要上这门课作为PSTAT 10的prerequisite,可以说AP Stat在无法帮助统计相关专业的学生跳过任何专业相关的课。 具体其他的AP换分政策看这个网址: https://my.sa.uc...
Immunoprecipitations were performed with 4 μg of TDP-43 antibody ((Proteintech, Rabbit anti-TDP-43 cat. no. 10782-2-AP) coupled with 100 μl of protein A or G dynabeads (for SH-SY5Y or HEK 293T, respectively) per sample. The complexes were then size-separated with SDS–PAGE ...
6f, g). To test effects on ligand binding in vivo, we injected control anti-Unc5B-1 or anti-Unc5B-3 i.v (10 mg/kg for 1 h), followed by Unc5B immunoprecipitation from brain lysates using a commercial antibody recognizing the Unc5B ECD. Western blotting revealed that anti-Unc5B-...
The maximum credit hour load allowed cannot exceed more than 8 credit hours in Maymester/First Session or more than 8 credit hours in Second Session. Students will be required to drop to 8 credit hours if the limit is exceeded. It is highly recommended that students who enroll in Maymester ...
Each explant was stained with TuJ1 IHC as previously described32 and imaged using a Zeiss upright microscope equipped with an Apotome optical sectioning device. Digital images were analysed using a Matlab (The Mathworks) programme to define a line through the centre of the explant (centre of ...
AP: −5.5 to 6.0 mm, ML: 3.2–3.5 mm, DV: 1.6–2.0 mm to ensure that recording is confined to cortical layers of V1. The angle of the probe insertion was kept at 50° as in vM1 recording. Instead of wEPs, VEPs were recorded by visual stimulation. The amount of ...
(ab179434, Abcam) or control IgG (30000-0-AP, Proteintech) that was pre-conjugated to protein A/G PLUS-Agarose overnight at 4 °C. The immunoprecipitated proteins were eluted and detected by Western blotting. P5091(HY-15667, MedChemExpress) or GNE6640 (HY-112937, MedChemExpress) were...
Each explant was stained with TuJ1 IHC as previously described32 and imaged using a Zeiss upright microscope equipped with an Apotome optical sectioning device. Digital images were analysed using a Matlab (The Mathworks) programme to define a line through the centre of the explant (centre of ...