Unblocker was originally a web proxy for evading internet censorship, similar to CGIproxy / PHProxy / Glype but written in node.js. It's since morphed into a general-purpose library for proxying and rewriting remote webpages.All data is processed and relayed to the client on the fly without...
Is Web Unlocker a proxy? Can I use Web Unlocker to interact or navigate with a browser? Can I use Web Unlocker without a monthly commitment? Save time and resources with the world's most advanced website unlocking solution Get Started
Seehttps://github.com/nfriedly/nodeunblocker.com Using unblocker as a library in your software npm install --save unblocker Unblocker exports anexpress-compatible API, so using in an express application is trivial: var express = require('express') var Unblocker = require('unblocker'); var app...
Unblocker was originally a web proxy for evading internet censorship, similar to CGIproxy / PHProxy / Glype but written in node.js. It's since morphed into a general-purpose library for proxying and rewriting remote webpages. All data is processed and relayed to the client on the fly withou...
There is an example that detects YouTube video pages and replaces them with a custom page that just streams the video.Patches are welcome, including both general-purpose improvements to go into the main library, and site-specific fixes to go in the examples folder....
Google Cache stores older versions of web pages, which can be useful for accessing content blocked in real-time. 7. Web Unblocker – URL Shortener Another creative way to bypass blocked websites is by using a URL shortener. By shortening the URL of the blocked site, you may evade some res...
git clone https://github.com/titaniumnetwork-dev/Holy-Unblocker.git cd Holy-Unblocker npm install Now simply add the folder you cloned this repo in in VSC. Then runnpm install. I recommend that if you are releasing this publically on GitHub that you add a.gitignorein your root directory ...
I went ahead and activated the youtube example, it replaces youtube.com video pages with a custom page that just streams the video (but actually works).To disable it just add // to the beginning of this line of code in app.js like so:...
git clone https://github.com/titaniumnetwork-dev/Holy-Unblocker.git cd Holy-Unblocker npm install npm start The default place for the proxy when its started ishttp://localhost:8080but you can change it if needed in config.json This website is hosted locally with Corrosion built-in. More mo...
GitHub Codespaces Setup Instructions Fork (and star!) this repository to your GitHub account Head to the official Codespaces website (ensure you have a GitHub account already made) Select New Codespaces and look for [USERNAME]/Holy-Unblocker on your account Ensure the branch is set to master ...