Ted Kaczynski speaks during an interview at a supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, in August 1999. In January 1998, Kaczynski attempted suicide as he prepared to go on trial. He insisted his lawyers not use any type of insanity defense, and he rejected any implication that he was mentally...
Ted Kaczynski, the man known as the Unabomber who carried out a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others, died by suicide. Four people familiar with the matter confirmed the cause of death to The Associated Press but were n
Theodore "Ted" Kaczynski, 79, was moved to the U.S. Bureau of Prison's FMC Butner medical center in eastern North Carolina on December 14, according to bureau spokesperson Donald Murphy. Murphy declined to disclose any details of Kaczynski's medical condition or the reason for his transfer...
Kaczynski hated the idea of being viewed as mentally ill and, during his trial, tried to fire his attorneys when they wanted to mount an insanity defense.He eventually pleaded guiltyrather than let his attorneys proceed. In his personal journals, released at the trial by the government at the...
Ted Kaczynski, known as the "Unabomber," who carried out a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people, died by suicide.
Ted Kaczynski went on trial in Sacramento, California, where the key issue was not his guilt but his sanity and whether he would be spared the death penalty. He pleaded guilty to murder in exchange for life in prison without parole. In the ensuing years, David Kaczynski and Gary Wright, ...
Kaczynski tried to fire his lawyers and ultimately pleaded guilty because he didn’t want them to mount an insanity defense. In his personal journals, which were released at trial, he said his motive for the bombings was “simply personal revenge.” ...
Isoleucine-tRNA LigaseBacterial ProteinsMupirocinAnti-Bacterial AgentsMicrobial Sensitivity TestsOligonucleotide Array Sequence AnalysisGene Expression ProfilingWhen Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, pled guilty to threemurders in January 1998 and...Jillian Lloyd...
Should the Accused Direct Own Trial Strategy? ; Unabomber Ted Kaczynski's Appeal Raises Issue of Whether a Lawyer's Obligation to Save a Client's Life Is P... When Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, pled guilty to threemurders in January 1998 and... J Lloyd - 《Geological Society London ...
Facts about Ted Kaczynski ultimately reveal a tragic story of alienation, unfulfilled potential, and the ravages of mental illness. Read on to discover more ...