Albert B. Crenshaw
Able: I am able to lift heavy boxes.口语: I can lift heavy boxes.Disabled是一个动词,搞坏了,搞乱了 Disable: The virus disabled my computer.口语: The virus crashed my computer.Disabled是个形容词,表示是给残疾人用的; disability就是残疾 Disabled: The disabled parking spots are r...
Able: I am able to lift heavy boxes. 口语: I can lift heavy boxes. Disabled是一个动词,搞坏了,搞乱了 Disable: The virus disabled my computer. 口语: The virus crashed my computer. Disabled是个形容词,表示是给残疾人用的; disability就是残疾 Disabled: The disabled parking spots are reserved...
Number of monthsunable to workdue to long-standing health problems Broj mjesecinesposobnosti za radzbog dugotrajnih zdravstvenih problema EuroParl2021 (a) he/she is temporarilyunable to workas the result of an illness or accident; a) privremenonesposobni za radzbog bolesti ili nesreće; ...
Mr. Timothy Alexander Steinert, Independent Director,wasunabletoattendthemeeting due to work reasons, and had authorised Mr. Chen Naiwei, Independent Director, to vote on his behalf. 副董事長雷凡培先生 因工作原因未能出席,委托副董事長謝偉良先生行使表決權;董事...
Missionswereunabletoopenbankaccounts in New York, this would clearly have a negative impact on their work. 他指出,如果 常驻代表团无法在纽约开设银行账户,这显然会对他们的工作产生负面影响。 ...
Many years ago, my father suffered from a serious heart condition. He was put on disability and was unable to work at a steady job.However, he wanted to do something to keep himself , so he decided to volunteer at the local children . My dad lo
A new system developed by neuroengineers can turn thoughts into intelligible speech. Powered by speech synthesizers and A.I., the technology lays the groundwork for helping individuals who are unable to speak due to disability regain their capacity to co
Eventually they have lunch, they potty, Fred and I have lunch, and we all go back to work, stopping every hour or so for a potty break and playtime. We repeat the routine until they fall asleep for the night and peace finally reigns over the kingdom. ...