针对你遇到的错误“unable to update cni config" err="no valid networks found in /etc/cni/net.d”,这通常表明Kubernetes或容器运行时在/etc/cni/net.d目录下没有找到有效的CNI(容器网络接口)配置文件。以下是一些解决步骤,帮助你解决这个问题: 确认/etc/cni/net.d目录下是否存在有效的网络配置文件: 首先,...
1. 为kubeadm添加变量 vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf Environment="KUBELET_NETWORK_ARGS=--network-plugin=cni --cni-conf-dir=/etc/cni/ --cni-bin-dir=/opt/cni/bin" END
Dec 01 17:20:59 masternode kubelet[4766]: W1201 17:20:59.923279 4766 cni.go:196] Unable to update cni config: No networks found in /etc/cni/net.d Dec 01 17:20:59 masternode kubelet[4766]: E1201 17:20:59.923592 4766 kubelet.go:2095] Container runtime network not ready: NetworkRead...
在使用 kubeadm 工具初始化k8s后,并且安装了 flanneld 网络组建后,/var/log/messages 依旧报错, Unable to update cni config: no valid networks found in /etc/cni/net.d 问题原因是 : 似乎在v1.16中,kubelet将验证cni配置文件,如果不支持cniVersion,将返回错误: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pul...
30698 cni.go:188] Unable to update cni config: No networks found in /etc/cni/net.d 30698 kubelet.go:2167] Container runtime network not ready: NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:docker: network plugin is not ready: cni config uninitialized 30698 reflector.go:125] k8s.io...
啊啊啊 Unable to update cni config: No networks found in /etc/cni/net.d 发布于 2021-05-26 20:19 ETC Linux update 写下你的评论... 打开知乎App 在「我的页」右上角打开扫一扫 其他扫码方式:微信 下载知乎App 开通机构号 无障碍模式 ...
kubeadm 1.16+ 初始化后 Unable to update cni config: no valid networks found in /etc/cni/net.d 2019-11-11 17:18 −... 司家勇 1 19338 通过Kubeadm搭建Kubernetes集群 2019-12-12 15:33 −历经断断续续学习的两天,终于完成了一个简单k8s集群。 参考 https://www.cnblogs.com/edisonchou/p/aspne...
FAILED - RETRYING: Wait for control plane pods to appear (49 retries left). Nov 13 15:16:24 os311 origin-node: W1113 15:16:24.589102 16457 cni.go:172] Unable to update cni config: No networks found in /etc/cni/net.d Nov 13 15:16:24 os311 origin-node: E1113 15:16:24.589362 ...
Unable to update cni confifig: No networks found in /etc/cni/net Container runtime network not ready: NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message 原因:网络CNI找不到 解决方式: sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1 安装flflannel或者 calico网络 ...
What kind of request is this (question/bug/enhancement/feature request): bug Steps to reproduce (least amount of steps as possible): Create a rke template similar to this: # # Cluster Config # default_pod_security_policy_template_id: res...