原因:文件被占用 解决方案:关闭相关进程
git error: unable to unlink old (Permission denied) 2016-01-28 11:43 −... apptao 0 5695 学习使用git (遇到Permission denied是因为没有设置SSH) 2017-12-04 21:36 −花了一下午看廖雪峰的git教程,写下学习心得。 一、准备工作 1.去官网下载git。(傻瓜式操作下一步下一步okokok) 2.在本地新...
今天在使用Idea git切换分支的时候出现了这样的错误,会导致切换分支失败,强制切换的话,并没有成功,因为文件并没有成功切换, 经过搜索发现,可能是文件被某进程占用,没有释放掉,我怀疑是Idea的某个进程占用了,于是果断退出Idea,使用git bash 来切换分支, 成功了, 总结:在使用git遇到这样的问题时,首先考虑某个文件是...
拉取代码时报错,unable to unlink old (Permission denied) 2018-07-12 09:46 −... 珩之 0 1355 npm安装报错:Error: EACCES: permission denied 2019-12-22 19:58 −报错如下: sudo npm i webpack -g /Users/xesfe/.npm-global/bin/webpack -> /Users/xesfe/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/web...
Git push error: Unable to unlink old (Permission denied) 原文:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11774397/git-push-error-unable-to-unlink-old-permission-denied chmod ug+w -R . 请查看具体的文件权限, 而不是看文件夹的权限 使用chmod ug+w -R ....
git 报错:没有权限 remote: error: unable to unlink old 'README.md' (Permission denied) 解决:
error: unable to unlink old 'share/doc/homebrew/C++-Standard-Libraries.md' (Permission denied) #。。。还有好多error就不全部粘出来了 问题解决思路,既然用命令不能自动完成安装,那我们就手动将需要的文件放在指定目录中: 正常情况这条命令就能安装成功: /usr...
From http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD error: unable to unlink old 'README.md' (Permission denied) Updating 959edff..6cf7c80 Error: Failed while executing git pull http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew.git master Trying the command again, I get: From http://...
Could not unlink \\serverA\MyDatabases\DatabaseX\st_root\cache\source\#29\687829: Permission denied. Unable to delete object from database: 'MyFile.xlsm~2:ms_excel:1'. Delete complete, 0 of 1 succeeded. Warning: Delete failed, Unable to delete object from database: 'MyFile.xlsm~2:ms...
Unlink and relink your accounts. If that don't works: Please clear your temp files: Press the Windows key and "R" at the same time Into the new window, type or copy & paste: "%temp%"(Without the quotes.)> hit "ENTER" Now your Windows Explorer should have brought you ...