当你遇到“unable to start minio: missing credential environment variable, 'minio_root_'”这一错误时,通常意味着MinIO服务在启动过程中未能找到必要的凭证环境变量。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤: 确认minio服务启动所需的凭证环境变量: MinIO服务通常需要两个环境变量来存储访问凭证:MINIO_ROOT_USER和MINIO_ROOT_PAS...
Name and Version bitnami/minio:2023.5.27 What architecture are you using? amd64 What steps will reproduce the bug? Create docker-compose.yml: version: '3.9' networks: default: name: test_network volumes: s3_data: services: s3: image: doc...
start a 2 nodes 4 dirvers minio server Current Behavior Following servers are currently offline or unreachable, minio server cant running Steps to Reproduce (for bugs) selinux disable firewalld disable minio data dir : /data1/minio /data2/minio, both server are same run : minio serverhttp:/...
Whenever I try to run a kubectl command, I get Unable to connect to the server: EOF, does not complete its startup, so I still get Unable to connect to the server: EOF, to connect to the server eof", hopefully we solve this and it helps somebody in future, when, Unable to connect...
SpringCloud Caused by: org.springframework.boot.web.server.WebServerException: Unable to start embedded 2019-11-28 00:59 −出现此问题,有可能是spring cloud 与spring boot 版本不匹配引发的问题,此次用的版本是:Finchley.RC1 经过一番关键字查找,发现spring cloud 与spring boot有着比较严格的版本匹配。不...
1、修改docker服务启动配置文件 1 2 3 4 5 6 # vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service ... [Service] ... ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd-H fd://--containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock --default-ulimitnofile=65536:65536#第13行 ...
Sometimes we faced a problem by minio, when some of our pipeline try to upload artifact into minio. The pipeline had been worked normally before on Gitlab Server and we never had this problem. the Error Log is : `time="2022-07-12T10:01:36Z" level=error msg="Unable to create an obj...
(the maximum) are already logged in, sorry Linux在CentOS 8/RHEL 8上安装和启用REMI存储库的方法 Linux中Docker下部署Minio启动提示权限不足 docker 修改mysql密码 利用CertBot实现免费SSL证书的自动签发与续签 Docker安装 秒懂QPS、TPS、PV、UV、GMV、IP、RPS Linux用户管理相关命令 使用forfiles 命令进行文件筛选...
34.558530 trace git-lfs: api: redirect GET https://gitlab.our_domain.com/appliance/repo/repos.git/gitlab-lfs/objects/7fea13202bf2f26989df4175aace8fdc16e1137f7961c33512cbfad844008948 to https://minio.our_domain.com/gitlab-lfs/7f/ea/13202bf2f26989df4175aace8fdc16e1137f7961c33512cbfad...
Description The way provided in the docu as described in tests/integration/README.md the command (TEST_PGSQL_HOST=localhost:5432 TEST_PGSQL_DBNAME=test TEST_PGSQL_USERNAME=postgres TEST_PGSQL_PASSWORD=postgres make test-pgsql) to start the test-pgsql fails, as minio is not running. The ...