<message> This error could also be due to mixing a file reference to '<filename1>' in project '<projectname1>' with a file reference to '<filename2>' in project '<projectname2>' <message> This error could also be due to mixing a file reference with a project reference to a...
x86_64 CPUs: 1 Total Memory: 3.676 GiB Name: ip-10-1-49-110 ID: 5GAP:SPRQ:UZS2:L5FP:Y4EL:RR54:R43L:JSST:ZGKB:6PBH:RQPO:PMQ5 Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker Debug mode (client): false Debug mode (server): false Registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/ WARNING: No swap...
<message> This error could also be due to mixing a file reference to '<filename1>' in project '<projectname1>' with a file reference to '<filename2>' in project '<projectname2>' <message> This error could also be due to mixing a file reference with a project reference to assem...
<message> This error could also be due to mixing a file reference to '<filename1>' in project '<projectname1>' with a file reference to '<filename2>' in project '<projectname2>' <message> This error could also be due to mixing a file reference with a project reference to ...
Unable to open response file '<filename>' Unable to parse XML: <error> Unable to sign assembly: <error message> Unable to sign file '<filename>': <error> Unable to write output to memory Unable to write temporary file because temporary path is not available Unable to write to output fi...
The Visual Basic compiler calls the Assembly Linker (Al.exe, also known as Alink) to generate an assembly with a manifest. The linker has reported an error creating a file or writing an in-memory resource to it. This might be a configuration problem....
Unable to load referenced library '<filename>': <error> Unable to open file '<filename>': <error> Unable to open key file '<filename>': <error> Unable to open module file '<filename>': <error> Unable to open resource file '<filename>': <error> Unable to open response file '...
Unable to load information for class '<classname>' Unable to load referenced library '<filename>': <error> Unable to open file '<filename>': <error> Unable to open key file '<filename>': <error> Unable to open module file '<filename>': <error> Unable to open resource file '<file...
Unable to access member Unable to apply security attribute(s) to '<name>': <error> Unable to create a .NET Runtime interface: <error> Unable to create Assembly Linker object: <error message> Unable to create strong-named assembly from key file '<filename>': <error> Unable to create te...