unixsocket /var/run/redis/redis.sock #配置unix socket使用文件的权限 # unixsocketperm 755 # 连接超时时间,单位秒;超过timeout,服务端会断开连接,为0则服务端不会主动断开连接,不能小于0 timeout 0 # tcp keepalive参数。如果设置不为0,就使用配置tcp的SO_KEEPALIVE值 ...
项目中用到hbase,有时候可能会报一些异常,比如java.io.IOException: Unable to determine ZooKeeper ensemble 等等,当出现这个问题时,根据个人经验,是由于zookeeper集群地址不可访问导致的,但某某说是项目中用到线程池的问题导致的,咱就看看吧,异常信息如下: java.io.IOException: Unable to determine ZooKeeper ensemble...
Is this on the normal MQTT connection to the broker? Since the MQTT-SN is over UDP. Could I get around it if I make the setup aggregating. I might have to spend some time adding devices in the device list but that should be fine if I can still make it work. We will end up with...
, method: 'get', url: 'https://foo.bar/health/', data: undefined }, request: <ref *1> ClientRequest { _events: [Object: null prototype] { abort: [Function (anonymous)], aborted: [Function (anonymous)], connect: [Function (anonymous)], error: [Function (anonymous)], socket: [...
wsl --set-version centos 2 1. 输入以下命令并回车,设置默认使用的发行版: wsl -d centos 1. 此时,再次使用命令 wsl -l -v 查看,可以看到 centos 的 VERSION 已经变为 2,并且名称前加了*号(即默认的WSL系统)。 6、WSL 子系统的启动与关闭 此时,输入命令 wsl -d centos 即可启动。 停止WSL子系统命令...
cl.connection.socket.setTimeout(0); cl.connection.socket.setKeepAlive(true, 10000); // None of these callbacks are called cl.on('online', function() { console.log('online'); }); cl.on('connection', function() { console.log('online'); ...
{ATTEMPTS=0;LIMIT=29;# Allow 30 attemptsset-e;# fail if we can't read the keys.ACCESS=$(cat/config/accesskey);SECRET=$(cat/config/secretkey);set+e;# The connections to minio are allowed to fail.echo"Connecting to Minio server: http://$MINIO_ENDPOINT:$MINIO_PORT";MC_COMMAND="mc...
C# Socket unable to write data to transport connection C# Socket.IOControl ignoring keepAliveTime / KeepAliveInterval configuration C# specify array size in method parameter C# split string (",") --error message cannot convert from string to char C# Split xml file into multiple files C# Split ...
Active Directory User does not assign User logon name and User Principal Name AD LDS cannot ChangePassword, but it can SetPassword Add <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> to my xml response Add a Constraint to restrict a generic to numeric types Add a html content...
i am unable to access check_mk web access on another machine. Successfully installed, the application accessible only on localhost. Please help me about this …