Prasad_Das-MSFT I've not registered any application like this, instead I've uploaded the zip package to "" and added a bot to "" which also showed my bot in bot framework i...
Then using that outcame delegated token to send email on behalf of that user. constclientSecretCredential=newClientSecretCredential(tenantId,clientId,clientSecret);// Use the user's refresh token to get a new access tokenclientSecretCredential.getToken(['
TeamsBot Services: POST We use this endpoint to create a one way conversation Bot => Microsoft Teams User and be able to send messages to that conversation. We're sending a payload as follows: TypeScriptCopy {"members": [ {"id":"<Micr...
TeamsBot Services: POST use this endpoint to create a one way conversationBot => Microsoft Teams Userand be able to send messages to that conversation. We're sending a payload as follows: JSON {"members": [ {"id":"<Microsoft User I...
My Local Setup: On my local machine, I am able to start the server code on IP address and port 55555 and then have the client connect to it. I open one terminal for the server and one terminal for the client. They are then able to send and receive messages between each ...
We have a significant number of teams working in their own groups, building go modules within those groups. And just to point out, this issue doesn't only happen with Private projects, but also ones that are Internal. Given that this issue is for self-hosted, what I would imagine seeing...
"description": "Collaborative tagging functionality which shares tags among users. Great for teams. (If you are a provider with a multi-tenancy installation, it is advised to deactivate this app as tags are shared.)", "licence": "AGPL", "author": "Vincent Petry", "default_enable": "",...
Steps to reproduce Create a calendar for your Owncloud user and copy the CalDAV link Install Evolution mail and create a new CalDAV calendar there from that link Observe that user authentication and calendar discovery works but subsequen...
If you have any issues, don't hesitate to send in feedback via the Enscape Feedback Button. In case you're a student and experience license issues, please contact our support teams through the form here. Please create a thread in this Forum instead of sending direct messages to Enscape me...
SOLVED: I was using Midori browser. I switched to use Chromium browser as the collaborator, and wow Zoho Writer is amazing! My edits as collaborator and as owner, two separate browsers, showed all the edits in real time! Very cool! --- Having a b