**warning: unable to rmdir 'merge_request-2883-sub-submodule-b-2': Directory not empty**Submodule path 'merge_request-2883-submodule-a': checked out '7eb4be081612cf7476dd44bf905a4348e050b669' cd merge_request-2883-submodule-agit statusmerge_request-2883-sub-submodule-b-2 ...
I am trying to delete directory usingfsmodule from node.js but as per my current code its throwing the following error. Error: Error:: {Error:ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir'/app/uploads'atObject.rmdirSync(fs.js:684:3) atObject.usecaseWorkflow(/app/controller/usecaseWorkflowCtrl.js:...
Use theRMDIR or RDcommand to delete undeletable folders: rd /s /q "Path of Folder" /S: Delete all files and subfolders in addition to the folder itself. Use this to remove an entire folder tree. /Q: Quiet – do not display Y/N confirmation 5. Use freeware Delete Doctor utility to ...
s3.rm("/bucker/inner") # should delete the file key s3.rmdir("/bucket/inner") # should raise an exception that directory is not empty s3.rmdir("/bucker/inner", recursive=True) # should delete both keys "/bucker/inner/" and "/bucker/inner/stuff" a key exists at "/bucket/inner/...
hi,bro。 After I copy the code of master to build and install, the status of "rocketmq-operator" pod is "RunContainerError", and the error prompts "exec: "/manager": stat /manager: no such file or directory: unknown". I don't know what is...
 RmDir Delete_Destinat ion Is it failing because the folder to be deleted is still "locked" by the browseforfolder bypath function? biganthony wrote: >Hi, > >I have the following code to select a folder and then delete it. I keep ...
I want to move my Pictures folder to an External drive and replace it with a symbolic link to the new location from ~/Pictures. But having created a new folder on the external drive and emptied ~/Pictures I cannot remove the Pictures folder sudo rmdir ~/Pictures gives Operation not permitt...
stackError: ENOTEMPTY:directorynotempty,rmdir'C:\Users\Jacob\Documents\Discord Bot\PRISM\node_modules\canvas\build\Release'gypERR!SystemWindows_NT10.0.18363gypERR!command"C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe""C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node...
C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaRocks\tools\rmdir.exe: `C:\\Program Files (x86)\\LuaRocks\\systree\\lib\\luarocks\\rocks-5.1\\lua_cliargs\\3.0-1\\lua': Directory not empty "C:\Program" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. "openssl" is...