一个http的Post请求问题,unable to resolve host <我的域名>:no address associated with hostnam 原因:你应用中写入的测试服务器地址baseURL解析不了,服务器端设置的原因; 解决:找服务端修改设置,或者Android应用中把测试地址改为上线服务器地址。
达哥,很不幸,我出现了你所说的其它情况,请指教 04-15 09:06:45.861: ERROR/CheckinTask(395): java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "android.clients.google.com": No address associated with hostname 04-15 09:06:45.861: ERROR/CheckinTask(395): at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHost...
异常:Unable to resolve host No address associated with hostname 此为设备未联网获开了vpn导致联网有问题引起 或者你家里网络出问题了
I am working on Sony Remote camera which is connected using WiFi.I need to click a picture using a camera and then upload it to my FTP server which is in another activity.for than I need to disconnect my camera wifi and connect to the another wifi network or mobile data.when I c...
在解决问题之前,我们首先需要理解所遇到的错误信息。“java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host “192.168.0.x”: No addr” 错误表示主机无法解析给定的域名(192.168.0.x)。 2. 检查网络连接 在进行域名解析之前,我们需要确保网络连接正常。可以使用以下代码来检查网络连接: ...
Unable to resolve host “”; No address associated with hostname I had this issue and I solved it by this way. change http://hostname/abc/def/ghi/name.php to http://ipaddress/abc/def/ghi/name.php //http://97.68.XX.YY/abc/def/ghi/name.php I solved this by this way.....
[CDS][DNS]Unable to resolve host "www.baidu.com": No address associated with hostname. 找了好久也不知道哪里不对,最后从一篇博客上找到这种情况的一般两个原因: 1.android设备网络连接没打开,例如3G网络和WIFI网络 所以,如果遇到这种错误时,请先查看网络是否已正常连接. ...
UnkonwnHostException:Unable to resolve host Xxx :No address associated wish hostname 遇到问题的第一时间是查看错误信息,如果解决不了,就要借助强大的互联网了,So,,, ,我在网上搜索的在AndroidManifest.xml中添加网络访问权限。。。 <uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission...
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "BASE_URL": No address associated with hostname Relevant Code: firebaseFunctions .getHttpsCallable("functionName") .call(endRideFunction) .addOnFailureListener { callback(false, it) } .addOnSuccessListener { callback(true, null) } Contributor...
I have a local server, the address is localhost:8080/Test,Debugging time address is, But when the background error debugging W/System.err: java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "bogon": No address associated with hostname ...