错误信息“unable to read consumer identity this system is not registered to red hat su”表明你的系统尚未注册到Red Hat的订阅管理(Subscription Management,简称SU)服务。这通常意味着你的系统无法访问Red Hat提供的更新、补丁和安全支持。 2. 可能导致该错误的原因 系统未注册:你的Red Hat系统尚未使用有效的订...
理论上说,不需要卸载本机的yum程序。当然,你也可以安装centos的yum来取代redhat的yum程序。上面就是RedHat安装软件源后提示Unable to read consumer identity的方法介绍了,主要是由于没有注册系统所导致的,如果不想花冤枉钱的话,建议使用CentOS源替代。
YUM: “UNABLE TO READ CONSUMER IDENTITY” Did you just install a new RHEL 6 system? If so, you might have used the familiar rhn_* commands to register the system. Unfortunately, those don’t work in RHEL 6.3. Instead, they result in a broken setup where Yum always barfs with the abo...
rhel中执行yum deplist systemd遇到unable to read consumer identity 执行 grub-install/dev/sda,最近在修改gnome电源管理的时候,改坏了一个/user/lib/下的文件,导致进不去桌面。开机按e键盘,进入grub,从grub引导进入root用户根目录,修改相应文件,提示没有可写权限
While running theyum updatecommand, we receive the error messageUnable to read consumer identity yum install <package>results in a long Python trace which ends withM2Crypto.SSL.SSLError: certificate verify failed Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 ...
I am using yum update command with RHN to upgrade packages installed on my server, but getting unable to read consumer identity warning and solution error on screen : See Also: SERVER PATCHING USING YUM IN LINUX HOW TO RESOLVE ANOTHER APP IS CURRENTLY HOLDING THE YUM LOCK ...
而redhat上yum的机理是这样的,通过yum读取配置文件/etc/yum.repos.d/file.repo,通过里面提供的网址,到相应站点下载rpm软件包,然后调用底层的rpm程序进行安装。其中,在下载环节,需要提供consumer id。从理论上说,只要我们不到官方网站上下载软件,就能够避免注册问题。 2.一个可以替代的站点:centos ...
Hello, I have redhat 9.4 and added register with subscription-manager as well but when trying to build using docer Im getting following error. Updating Subscription Management repositories. Unable to read consumer identity This system is not registered w
Unable to read consumer identity This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register. client 0.0 B/s | 0 B 00:21 Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'client', ignoring this repo. ...
$ podman run -it --user 0 registry.redhat.io/ubi8/nodejs-14:latest bash bash-4.4# yum update -y Updating Subscription Management repositories. Unable to read consumer identity This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register. Red ...