1. 在打开的编辑器中,找到kubeletExtraArgs字段,并添加/修改--config参数的值为正确的路径。例如,你可以将--config的参数值修改为/etc/kubernetes/manifests。 保存并关闭编辑器。Kubernetes将自动更新kubeletconfigurations并使用新的配置文件路径。 4. 总结 通过以上步骤,你可以解决“Unable to read config path ‘/...
如果一切配置正确,你将看到 Git 的全局配置列表。 综上所述,通过确认文件存在性、检查权限、创建配置文件(如有必要)、使用 sudo 提升权限(谨慎使用)以及重新尝试读取配置文件等步骤,你应该能够解决遇到的 fatal: unable to read config file '/root/.gitconfig': no such file or directory 错误。
git config --global user.name "gym" git config --global user.email "1424261303@qq.com" 1. 2. 其本质文件在你当前计算机用户下的gitconfig中
The images produced for windows are missing a path causing kubelet to output an error. It is non fatal but does add noise to the logs. E0105 22:28:04.933446 2984 file.go:104] "Unable to read config path" err="path does not exist, ignoring" path="c:\\etc\\kubernetes\\manifests" ...
When we tried to stop Orchestration or start Orchestration, we were getting the error “MSDTC was unable to read its configuration information 8004d027”andwe see the following entries in the application event log Event Type: Error Event Source: MSDTC Client ...
Solved: Hi, I'm implementing Log4j in my EJB. Now i'm having problem to read/locate my log4j.properties file. I not sure the path i put my log4j.properties. I did try in
Jenkins failure: java.io.IOException: Unable to read /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml at hudson.XmlFile.unmarshal(XmlFile.java:161) at jenkins.model.Jenkins.loadConfig(Jenkins.java:3055) at jenkins.model.Jenkins.access$1200(Jenkins.java:307) at jenkins.model.Jenkins$16.run(Jenkins.java:3073) at ...
under a prod (premium) PLAN environment, I have been unsuccessful. I am unable to use the configuration web.config and application registration / authentication use for DEV and TEST. I reverted back to an older working configuration (for prod only) (different tenant), and still does n...
1 I am getting afatal: unable to access 'config': Permission deniederror when trying to usegitlab-runner exec docker: $ gitlab-runner exec docker \ --docker-volumes /home/username/.ssh/gitlab_ci_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa:ro \ --docker-volumes `pwd`:/public \ test1 ...
I ran the same query as the apache user to verify there was nothing funny going on there. Same results - all fine. Now queue httpd. Config is as follows: <Directory "/home/test"> AuthType Basic AuthName "login to continue" AuthBasicProvider ldap LDAPReferrals Off AuthLDAPBin...