Why didn’t the build queue? Is it going to try queueing it later? What can I do to make it queue? Generic error messages without explanation, link or action = bad UX Azure DevOps Server (TFS)web Pinned GM Microsoft Resolution -Gloridel Morales [MSFT] ...
platform: '$(buildPlatform)' configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)' Reference Error from Azure Devops: 2023-12-17T07:36:28.2707587Z Restoring NuGet packages... 2023-12-17T07:36:28.2708450Z To prevent NuGet from downloading packages during build, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, cli...
I’ve got a repo that whenever a PR is created, the build policy triggers and will fail to queue multiple times (28 times most recently) before returning a ‘Build succeeded’ status. This is all running automatically, there is no manual intervention that is causing the ...
<PackageReference Include="MyLibPackage" Version="*" /> azure devops 中的恢复任务运行的 dockerfile 的片段: # Install the Credential Provider to configure the access RUN wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Microsoft/artifacts-credprovider/master/helpers/installcredprovider.sh | bash # Co...
I'm strugling with Azure Devops since a few days.The MFA process asks me to approve the notification in Authenticator on my phone, but I never receive...
I tried to create a build of of my repo using azure pipelines, which was successfully created(artifact was generated) I was able to deploy the notebook to Databricks workspace as well. But I am not able to execute the notebook from azure…
We are on Azure DevOps Server 2019.1(OnPrem) and there are multiple projects under the Collection. Our Collection name has got spaces and we couldn't rename the Collection name. Can you please help on connecting to Azure Devops on Power BI. Azure…
Upload to Azure git Repo. Create a Build pipeline with the following steps. 6.1 Nuget Installer 6.2 Nuget restore (This is successfull and restore packages. I added a Connect Feed for my Nuget package) 6.3 Commandline task that does docker build -t testpipeline ./TestPipeline Queue a bui...
If using Azure Pipelines, provide the account name, team project name, build definition name/build number: Agent - Hosted or Private: If using Hosted agent, provide agent queue name: If using private agent, provide the OS of the machine running the agent and the agent version: Mac OS 11.6...
Lear, to fix the error Unable to cast object of type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject' to type 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.ManagementGroups.Models.ManagementGroup