My hope was that we could utilize EF Core (with the CosmosDB provider), along with HC GraphQL to provide a graph query endpoint per each aggregate. Without projection this works extremally well, but of course the Query is pulling down every aggregate from Cosmos then applying the graph filt...
I am using self hosted parse-server and not able to use cloud functions since I have enabled HTTPS, if I revert it back to HTTP it works as expected. Also he problem is only with those cloud function which have Parse.Query, if i create a function simply return "Hello" as response it...
`Parse.Cloud.define("modifyAdminStatus", function(request, response) { var userQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User); var isAdmin = request.params.adminStatus userQuery.equalTo("username", request.params.username); userQuery.find({ useMasterKey: true, success: function(user) { console.log(us...