Literally just drag and drop the PDF into Photoshop, then you get this dialogue box: which is where I'm currently freezing. Pick which page(s) you want to open and it just opens them as images you can shrink or recolour or whatever as needed. The 'Images' radio button at ...
Opening attachments in Firefox works, but in IE does not. The external application used to open the attachment (eg. Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Office) will report: "There was an error opening this document. The file cannot be found." Cause This problem is specific to Internet Explore...
xdvipdfmx:fatal: Unable to open "xxx.pdf". Output file removed. fwrite: Broken pipe xelatex.exe 解决方法: 关闭外部PDF阅读器,重新编译运行下就好了。
Whenever I try to download a pdf from WhatsApp, I get this message: " there is no printer connected to your account. Please add one" Daniel - 14782279
Hi All, I am unable to open PDF file from DMS. Earlier I could open the PDF files from DMS. I have not made any changes in the configuration or installed new PDF version
When a PDF is downloaded and I click open file it opens in Edge instead of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe Acrobat is set as the default PDF and I can also...
Michael, I attempted to map a couple of the network shares as local drive mappings and the PDF's still failed to open. If I copy them local they open without issue.Here is something interesting, I tried a different share and it appears to open directly from the network. So for right ...
guard UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(fileURL) else { return } if fileURL.pathExtension.lowercased() == "pdf" { print("FileLinkView trying to open PDF ", fileURL.absoluteString) DispatchQueue.main.async { ...
可能是由于 PDF 文件被其他软件占用了,导致无法写入。你可以在编译的时候关闭 PDF 阅读器,或者删除已经编译出来的 PDF 文件,建议使用 SumatraPDF,福昕和 Adobe Acrobat Reader 都会占用 PDF 文件导致无法写入。
也记录一下我的问题,同样打开某个文件出现unable open 的错误。这里就重新导入就行,不用删~ 2020-10-27 回复喜欢 推荐阅读 如何将文件设置为不可修改? 绝世豪猪555 【学术软件】解决Mendeley word插件的429问题 本文介绍了Mendeley word插件的 运行时错误429 ActiveX部件不能创建对象的问题。【场景】 在wor...