This is the error reported in the log file (attached): virtual_sdcard file open Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 178, in _load_file fname = files_by_lower[fname.lower()] KeyError: 'top' Unable to open file Script ...
_unable_to_open_file_on_fresh/ https://old...
首先我们要确认自己3D打印机使用的主板型号,根据主板型号不同,固件编译的配置和刷写方法也略有不同。官方支持的3D打印机主板列表可以在klipper固件github的config这个文件夹中找到。( 比如ender3原生使用的主板就有几种,2018年出厂的ender3,2020版的ender3v2...
I keep getting this error over and over again,, I edited my config file using putty. I have no experience coding whatsoever so if you can help me like your talking to a 5-year-old , that would be awesome. Thank you! klippy (4).log
Klipper github issue. If you created this issue and no longer consider it open, then please login to github and close the issue. Otherwise, if there is no further activity on this thread then it will be automatically closed in a few ...
Linux Distribution OctoPrint version : 1.10.2 OctoPi version : 0.18.0 What happened after editing klipper_repos.txt and trying to select the new repo.. no numbers shows.. You are allowed to omit the '' part of the repo...
Hi, I have an issue with accessing Kiauh on rpi4. It had been working fine for weeks, however when I tried to connect today to check for updates, it comes up with the following error : $ git clone C...
klippy.log Line 244 Klipper/Fluidd has been running fine until the printer got power cycled mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the config,...
I've installed KlipperScreen but the service log files indicates it is unable to take control of the screen. I have tried running it with an auto log-in raspbian setup or with-out auto log in or with start up with no UI. In all cases it is unable to display. With no auto log-in...