求助,升级虚拟系统失..系统版本是11.4.0-37J,用3DSNUS下载了11.8.0-41J的升级文件。升级后启动提示:Unable to mount CTRNAND or load CTRNAND Firm真实系统没问
I was trying to troubleshoot an issue i was running into when playing a NDS game from the sad card when i got this issue. In the run up to this message coming up i: ran the luma updates and updated to the latest version, tried restoring the version i had before after encountering th...
求助开机显示无法加载..求助开机黑屏显示An error has occurred: Unable to mount CTRNAND or load the CTRNAND FIRMPlease use an externa 1 one. Press any button to shutdoun怎么办