Re: Unable to connect BT Essential phone to BT Hub wirelessly Update I connected the phone into the green port on the hub and I got a dial tone on the line. Unfortunately I can make calls out but cant receive calls. We get a message - 'it has not been possible to ...
Tracing through the calls, it's just passed straight on from thesize_t *option_lenargument given tozmq_getsockopt. Which, indeed, you are setting to&fd_size, wherefd_sizeis uninitialized. There's nothing in thedocumentationto suggest that this is a valid usage: Theoption_lenargument is the...
My phone displays No Service so no calls in or out. Is the problem with my iPhone or Bt? 3 years ago 206 1 iPhone 7 “no service “ issue Hi, after updating my iPhone 7 it’s showing no service, I have done network reset but still I can’t make calls or massage.please help...
Well after calls to BT in the end I never managed to get it redeemed or fixed since they seem to have never heard nothing about it. Now its gone from my products so I guess that's how it ends. Hope you all have more luck than me. o/ 0 Ratings Repl...
AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity. I was given a id, secret and session token, but that session token still gives the same AWS4 error. The hope is to auth an image with just the url and a bearer header I think you don't understand how to make API calls via S3 API. You should read about ...
5) Restart BT/Wifi modules by renaming Car BT and Car WiFi HotSpot in the car head unit - NOK 6) Connect it via cable - OK 🙂 (but not a long-term solution obviously) Phone: SGS22 Ultra, after update to OneUI6 Error message: N/A Car / head unit make ...
How to make image compatible with mobile responsive theme?
perfect waytogetthemost out ofyourbusyscheduleandofyour calls on the go. 呼叫更容易新推出的 Jabra BT2045 是您外出的完美搭档,让您在百忙之中能最有效地完成工作并充分利用通话时间。 [...] Minibuses (GMBs) so as to ...
Hello! I am relatively new to Linux and the Jetson software, but I am currently trying to install SDK Manager for my AGX Xavier and am running into problems. I am able to make it to the screen I attached below, however, …
1) I want to know whether we communicate to RF chip via only UART to send the commands and data. Or there are other lines which we must use. 2) I want the Register list and commands list which we send to configure the RF Chip. I basically nee...