如果打了补丁报错unable to locate the original valve api 先把游戏目录下的原始steam_api64.dll重命名...
如果打了补丁报错unable to locate the original valve api 先把游戏目录下的原始steam_api64.dll重命名...
求助,unable ..DLC是凝聚力的吗,如果是的话,把steam_api64.dll删了,验证完整性,然后把新出现的steam_api64.dll改为steam_api64_o.dll,然后再把你的凝聚力DLC文件夹里的
正版游戏,进入游戏弹..正版游戏,进入游戏弹出“unable to locate the original valve api”后强退登录器,验证完整性后能进入游戏,但所有dlc失效
大佬救命!一打开游戏就是“unable to locate the original 只看楼主收藏回复 CGT第2老粉 都市游民 2 valve api”这咋办呀 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-06-08 15:21回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通...
我解压完之后说我Unable to open bigfile bigfile.000,,,求解 分享111 abaqus吧 仰望星空jhl abaqus6.14安装出现错误We are unable to verify the lisence server configuration on …… 如下图所示,求大神指点,该如何解决? 我遇到情况之后返回上一步,License server1 中输入 27500@<hostname>,可能是27500错误,...
一打开游戏就是“unable to locate the originalvalve api”这咋办呀 分享回复赞 都市天际线吧 a1762784434 兄弟们,这个怎么弄,无法运行了,每次打开都提示这个 分享9赞 都市天际线吧 叶盛1 求助大佬救命!一打开游戏就是“unable to locate the originalvalve api”这咋办呀 分享回复赞...
dotCMS trunk is unable to load plugins that include Portlets- this is because the portlet pathing has changed somehow. Our customers have a number of plugins that also include portlets and this would have broken their screens. Update The...
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to locate Attribute with the the given name [dataSourceType] on this ManagedType [com.acme.Item] at Ideally, you provide a minimal sample project that allows us to reproduce the error. Without that, it's hard to diagnose ...
jaxb-api-src.zip in /lib/ .. unzip it and locate the file /javax/xml/bind/ContextFinder.java .. now do as Mark said: In the searchcontextPath(String,String,Classloader) method, replace this line: propFileName = packageName.replace( '.', fileSep). ...