在Ubuntu系统上遇到“unable to locate package unzip”的错误时,通常意味着软件包管理器无法找到名为'unzip'的软件包。为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤操作: 更新软件包列表: 软件包列表可能过时,导致系统无法找到最新的软件包。你可以通过运行以下命令来更新软件包列表: bash sudo apt update 安装unzip软件包:...
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/focal main restricted universe multiverse deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/focal-security main restricted universe multiverse 如果发现问题,可以修改文件并保存,之后执行更新命令: ...
Ubuntu18.04 "sudo apt-get install python2“导致"E: Unable to locate package python2” cmake无法在docker镜像中使用find_package 为什么此错误仅在构建docker镜像时发生 尝试使用docker-compose构建Docker镜像时出现"Unable to find a match Error“(无法找到匹配错误) ...
Steps to reproduce the behavior Start a debian based image docker run -it debian /bin/bash Try to fetch package updates # apt-get update (master) BoimbpMax:../proj/renesas/ww2-dev/ $ docker run -it debian /bin/bash root@717fc1d16857:/# apt-get update Err:1 http://deb.debian.or...
Hello, I am using Ubuntu 20.10 x64 and i followed this Documentation When i try to install the Ant Media, got this error. tivcast@tivcast:/tmp$ sudo ./install_ant-media-server.sh -i ams-v2.3.2 readlink: missing operand Try 'readlink --he...
Linux轻量级监控工具nmon工具的安装和使用 修复Ubuntu 中“E Unable to locate package package_name”错误 查看IIS 中每个网站的资源使用情况 Linux监听网络流量工具iftop Mysqldump命令参数介绍 Blackbox Exporter 端口监控与网络探测实现 FirewallD防火墙 常见网络攻击类型及排查处理建议 端口状态 LISTENING、ESTABLISHED、TIM...
WordPress博客升级后出现的Internal Server Error错误 SSH 入门教程 通过脚本按天切割nginx的日志 Unable to locate package Apache 常用优化 .htaccess 规则 Linux 打包压缩&排除文件 htaccess 定义时区 ln命令快捷方式 lnk sed命令批量替换文本 diff命令对比文本 Find命令搜索批量删除文件 SSH自动断开时间 CURL性能优化 Lin...
Hi, I am tring to install Quartus prime on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. This should work because it is supported. Quartus itself installs ok. However I am unable to install the Arria 10 devices. The installer says it can not unzip the QDZ file. So ...
\SolutionName\Project\bin\Debug\net8.0\runtimes\win-x64\native, the provider reports not being able to locate it. I think the docs aren't clear enough about where the SQLite.Interop.dll file should be copied to. PS. I copied theSQLite.Interop.dllfile intoUSERDIRECTORY\.nuget\packages\stub...
It appears to install OK but when i look in the Windows Features to turn it on or off the Remote Server Administration Tools option does not show in there. When i look in installed Windows updates the update does not show in there as being installed. I am running a fully licensed ...