Interesting, looking at the gist you linked,@huanlin, you're on Ubuntu 18.04 ARM64. That would explain why the package manager isn't working for you, it only applies to x64. I didn't even think to ask about arch before, sorry about that. Check out the table onhttps://dotnet.micros...
Session: xxx Alpha: URL: /repo Connection state: Connected Beta: URL: user@host:/devel/repo Connection state: Connected Problems: sphinx/_build/html/objects.inv: unable to create file: unable to locate staged file: file does not exist at expected location Status: Staging files on beta It ...
Unable to Locate Color Palette Question: Attempting to set up the "github" color scheme obtained from the vim website, I have adhered precisely to the installation instructions by placing the necessarygithub.vimfiles into my~/.vim/colorsdirectory. Nevertheless, upon executing the command, an error...
ERROR: Unable to find a bootable optionlumia822昨晚突然运行卡住了,然后扣电池,然后开不了机额,显示ERROR: Unable to find a bootable option. Press any key to shut down。按了就关机 分享17赞 lol手游吧 欧洲六须鲇º unabletologinwith an account from this region解决办法是说地区问题 你登不进去...
Operation not permitted的解决 如何使用md5sum命令检验文件 subversion安装错误解决 FTP 500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/home/ftp/$USER解决办法 CentOS 安装rz和sz命令 结合xshell linux中使用zip命令压缩一个文件夹 如何在 Linux 中查找一个文件,find,locate命令 如何解决SSH 登录时出现如下错误:requirement uid ...
Just to be clear, I was turning to Telescope because I was somewhat frustrated by the inability to easily set up fuzzy find on citations (as you would get if you used Sublime Text or similar). To me, what is the optimal workflow?