然后就可以进行各种sudo apt-get install <软件名>操作了。 如上:成功解决Ubuntu的Unable to locate package无法更新源问题。
Unable to Locate Package Source.Download Packages from the InternetSkip Package Please Provide a Location to search for the packages D:\packages\VS_Clean\VS_PreClean_vs.exeI’m using Win7 SP1.My log file (dd_vs_ultimate_20140519153414) is showing Failed to send request and failed to get ...
I am trying to install Visual Studio 2012 RC but after, having dowloaded the iso file and running it, I am facing the following message "Unable to locate package source". What does it mean and have I do to ? All replies (8)
当我试图构建我的容器时,我会得到以下错误: E: Unable to locate package wget E: Unable to locate package unzip E: Package 'git' has no installation candidate E: Unable to locate package default-jdk The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get install wget unzip git default-jdk -y' returned a ...
I'm trying to get Visual Studio 2012 (Ultimate) installed, but about a quarter of the way through the install I get an message sayingUnable to locate package source. The file it is looking for isWebDeploy_x64.msi. I went to Microsoft's site and downloaded Web Deploy 3.0, but I have...
在Termux 中返回 "unable to locate package" 错误通常表示无法找到所需的软件包。这可能是由于以下几个原因导致的: 软件源配置错误:Termux 使用软件源来获取和安装软件包。如果软件源配置错误或不正确,就无法找到所需的软件包。您可以通过检查软件源配置文件来解决此问题,并确保其正确性。 软件包名称错误:您...
VMware虚拟机安装了ubuntu 11.04,在使用apt-get安装软件时一直提示E:Unable to locate package。 百度了原因,说是要更新源,使用命令:sudo apt-get update更新了,但更新之后问题还是存在; 解决方案: 主要还是源的问题,目前网上找的很多源都是很久以前的了,很多的可能都不能用了; 然后自己重新下载了一个ubuntu 14.04...
解决方法:在sources.list文件中添加源路径。 cd /etc/apt/ 打开sources.list: nano sources.list 将如下内容添加到 sources.list 文件末尾 deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free # For source package access, uncomment the following line ...
ubuntu Unable to locate package sysv-rc-conf ubuntu下一个用来管理开机自启动服务的程序,今天在ss vps上安装时老是提示这个错误,百度后,下面的这个方法可行: vi /etc/apt/source.list 输入i,进入Insert模式 在最后加入 debhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/trusty main universe restricted multiverse...
Unable to locate package 无法定位包 原因:这个错误一般是因为软件源未更新造成的,于是采用命令:sudo apt-get update 来更新软件源,结果报出好多404错误,好多资源找不到。解决方案:更换源 试试apt-get能否找到makeinfo 不行的话,去换sourcelist了 需要去安装texinfo即可 sudo apt-get install ...