针对您遇到的问题 e: unable to locate package ros-noetic-mavros e: unable to locate package ro,这里有几个可能的解决步骤,我会分点详细解释并给出相应的操作指导: 1. 确认包名是否正确 首先,请确保您尝试安装的包名 ros-noetic-mavros 和ro 是正确的。通常,ro 可能是一个输入错误或者误解,因为ROS(Robot...
Hello there! I've been trying to install the realsense-ros package from the command line using the sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_VER-realsense2-camera command (and yes, I did an export ROS_VER=noetic beforehand to load the variable). How...
According to the ROS noetic Ubuntu Focal armhf status page the desktop_full package has not yet been built. Likely due to unavailable dependencies for that platform. Member dirk-thomas commented Sep 1, 2020 @sloretz To determine what is missing and if that hole can be filled or not. dirk...
Done Note, selecting 'python-dev-is-python2' instead of 'python-dev' E: Unable to locate package python-gudev I know that I am not the only one to see this but lots of googling hasn't solved it for me yet. So I have some questions: Does the Linorobot software package depend on...