针对你遇到的“e: unable to locate package python-opengl”问题,这通常意味着你的系统的软件包管理器(如APT)无法在其配置的软件源中找到名为python-opengl的包。以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认操作系统及版本: 确保你正在使用的是基于Debian或Ubuntu的Linux发行版,因为这些系统通常使用APT作为软件包管理器。如果你...
In Unit1, the very beginning, local machine, ubuntu 22.04, python 3.10, conda virtual environment. when I type command: sudo apt install python-opengl, it give me error: E: Unable to locate package python-opengl. I search on net for help...
I installed a command line version of Ubuntu 10.10 using the alternate install disk. To suit my needs, I have to install the gcc C compiler in this environment. When connected under root, I enter the command: 'apt-get install gcc'. The error 'E: unable to locate package gcc' is then...
ecs报错Unable to locate package libcupti-dev 老师我用的是阿里云的服务器,sudo apt-get install golang python3-dev python-dev libcupti-dev libjpeg-turbo8-dev make tmux htop chromium-browser git cmake zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev xvfb libav-tools xorg-dev python-opengl libboost-all-dev libsdl2-dev ...
问题 安装 https://gitee.com/mirrors/animated-drawings 这个部署时,安装环境出现如下问题: pycharm 下 打开这个文件:python3.9/site-packages/OpenGL/platform/ctypesloader.py 在79行下修改如下
Mac 下 Unable to load OpenGL library 的解决办法 问题描述 在Mac上使用Pyrender时,出现了OpenGL无法加载的错误,具体复现情况如下: 打开Python的REPL, 输入下面的命令(前提是安装pyrender): 代码语言:javascript 复制 importpyrender 报下面的错: 代码语言:javascript...
Type: Performance Issue when I am trying to install within vs code on my chromebook. it show me an error message -try manually or check for the log , and when click on the log Unexpected token '#',"#!/bin/bas"...is not valid. VS Code ver...
Debian :: Unable To Locate Package Python-virtinst Sep 28, 2015 I'm trying to install some virtual machines to a dedi using KVM. So far everything seems to be working, I tested the KVM install with virsh -c qemu:///system list and it responded, however, I'm trying to no...
Dear all, I'm new to phy and seem not to get Phy running and visualization open. I've been going through similar issues here and my problems seem very similar to other, I already tried most of the proposed solution but non seem to work (...
Versions Python: 2.7 OS: Windows Kivy: 1.9.1 Description Hi guys. I having a big trouble trying to make work the example of packaging a video app with gstreamer, following the kivy's documentation site https://kivy.org/docs/guide/packagi...